تقويم وتطوير منهج اللغة العربية في المرحلة الإعدادية بالمدارس العربية الفرنسية ببوركينافاسو


This study addressed the evaluation and development of Arabic language curriculum in the preparatory stage in Arabic-French Schools in Burkina Faso basing on views of the Arabic language teachers. In this study, the researcher used both descriptive and historical approaches, the study based on questionnaire test as a tool to collect the data from the sample which was composed of (80) male and female teachers of the preparatory stage, then the results were statistically analyzed using arithmetical averages, standard deviations and one way analysis of variance test. The most important results of this study are the following: 1) The objectives of this curriculum are imported and are not inspired from the philosophy of Burkinabe's community. 2) The objectives of Arabic language are relatively clear under the dominance of French culture. 3) The content of Arabic language curriculum in the preparatory stage needs to be promoted to suit with the capacity of the non-Arabic speakers. 4) The used teaching methods are diversified and sometimes more than one method is used in one lesson. 5) The ways used for evaluation do not discover the extent that educational goals are achieved. 6) The results of the study showed that there is no statistical significance differences attributable to the variables of the study (type, qualifications and years of experience). According to the results, the researcher recommends the following: 1) Reformulating the objectives clearly from the reality and purposes of the education of the society of Burkina Faso people. 2) Forming a committee to carry out the responsibility of rephrasing the content of unified Arabic language curriculum which helps in building the capacity of the students and their dimensions from the reality of Burkinabe's environment. 3) Training the teachers on how to select and use the appropriate methods for the lessons. 4) Providing the modern teaching aids which help the teachers and the students to achieve the different goals as well as training them on how to use these teaching aids. 5) Teachers should evaluate the students after the end of each lesson in order to maintain the knowledge which they have acquired during the lesson. 6) Teachers should take into consideration the substantive tests when formulating the paragraphs of the tests during the evaluation. (Author’s abstract)