المشاركة السياسية لطلبة كلية التربية الأساسية بدولة الكويت : دراسة ميدانية


The study aimed at exploring the degree of political participation for students of College of Basic Education in Kuwait and to achieve the goal of the study was designed for that, it composed of a (24) closed question, about political participation within and attention the university and outside, to political matters in general, can was mate sure of validity and reliability , and then applied a the sample consisted of (972) students, (324) male and ) 648) female, and after processing the data statistically readings were ready to be presented findings the following: a lack of political participation within the college for both sexes hitting percentage (51% ), as well as the weakness of political participation outside the university (51.9%) for males and) 27.9%) for females, and the results showed a lack of interest of students concerning political news, and the presence of negative attitudes towards party work in general. In light of the findings the study made a number of recommendations. (Published abstract)