أثر استخدام شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي على الهوية الثقافية لدى الطلبة الجامعيين الجزائريين في ظل العولمة الإعلامية : دراسة على عينة من مستخدمي الفايسبوك بجامعة باتنة 1 أنموذجا


The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of the use of social networks on cultural identity by asking the question: What is the impact of the use of social networks on some elements of the cultural identity among Algerian university students in the context of media globalization? There are a number of questions under this problem: What are the habits and patterns of Facebook social networking users? What are the impacts of Facebook's use on cultural identity? The descriptive survey methodology was used based on the questionnaire to collect data from respondents representing a sample of Facebook users at the University of Batna 1. The questionnaire form was divided into three (03) axes in addition to a special axis characteristic of the study sample, the first axis: habits and patterns of using Facebook by the sample, the second axis: the sample's relationship of exposing and interacting with Facebook, and In the third axis we tried to find out the effects of using Facebook on cultural identity elements using the Likert scale. The study reached a number of results, the most important one were: It was found that most respondents are using Facebook since 4 to 5 years; most of them enter the social network Facebook using smartphones. The sample members spend from one hour to two hours on Facebook. Results found that the sample members usually use Facebook under a pseudonym, and it pointed out that the most important motive respondents using Facebook for is to see the latest news and keep up with local, national and global events. The study also found that the use of the site did not affect students’ Islamic religion, or in performing various religious rituals such as prayer. (Author's abstract)