أثر توقيت تقديم الأنشطة التعليميّة ببيئات التعلّم الشخصيّة المؤسسيّة في تنمية الأداء الأكاديمي لدى طلاب الدراسات العليا بجامعة القاهرة

The current research attempted to identify the impact of timing of learning activities presentation in the institutional personal learning environments (IPLE) on the academic performance among postgraduate students at faculty of graduate studies for education, Cairo University. The research group consisted of 90 students joined to the general diploma (e-learning branch). The research group was randomly divided into two experimental groups; each of them consisted of 45 students. The impact of timing of learning activities presentation in the institutional personal learning environments on the cognitive part of educational technology course was measured. In addition, the impact of the timing of learning activities presentation in the institutional personal learning environments on the performance of practical part of educational technology course was also measured. The results indicated that the first experimental group - for which, learning activities in the institutional personal learning environments were presented with objectives, subject elements and resources - is superior to the second experimental group in the cognitive part of educational technology course. (For the second experimental group, learning activities in the institutional personal learning environments were presented after the presentation of objectives, subject elements and sources with 24 hours). On the contrary, there are no statistically significant differences between the two groups in the performance of the practical part in educational technology course. The researcher recommends paying attention to the presentation of learning activities in the institutional personal learning environments in the same time with the objectives, subject elements and resources. (Published abstract)