فاعلية استخدام برنامج تدريبي قائم على التعلم الذاتي في تنمية الوعي باستراتيجيات التدريس الممايز لدى أعضاء هيئة تدريس المناهج وطرائق تدريس العلوم بالجامعات السعودية

The present study aims at investigating the effectiveness of a training program in using differentiated instruction strategies through a training package based on self-learning. The study sample consists of (18) faculty members of science curriculum and instruction during the academic year 1435-1436 AH. The researcher has developed the proposed training program to raise the awareness of differentiated instruction strategies. A scale was designed to measure the awareness of differentiated instruction strategies among faculty members. The findings of the study prove the effectiveness of the proposed self-learning program in developing the awareness of differentiated instruction strategies among faculty members of science curriculum and instruction. The study recommends the necessity to adopt self-learning strategies in professional development programs of faculty members in Saudi universities. (Published abstract)