تحليل محتوى مقرر الاجتماعيات التعليم الثانوي (نظام المقررات) بالمملكة العربية السعودية في ضوء مهارات التفكير المستقبلي


This study aims to analyze the content of social studies curriculum of secondary education (credit hours system) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the light of future thinking skills. The research used the content analysis and the descriptive method for the study. The selected sample was the content of social studies curriculum of secondary education (c.h. system) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, represented in Student book and the activity book which were analyzed. The findings of the study showed that frequencies of future thinking skills behavioral indicators, were (294). The future predict skills came in the first rank, with (156) frequencies and (0.53) percentage. The skills of planning to solve future problems came in the second rank, with (97) frequencies and (0.33) percentage. The future imagination skill came before the last rank, with (27) frequencies and (0.09) percentage. Finally both skills of future expectation and defining future vision came in the last rank, with (7) frequencies and (0.02) percentage for each skill. (Published abstract)