أثر استخدام طريقة التدريب والمران بالحاسوب على زيادة التحصيل الدراسي في مقرر الرياضيات لدى تلاميذ الصف الثامن أساس بالتعليم الخاص


The study aimed to identify the effect of using the training and practice method by computer on increasing academic acquisition in the mathematics syllabus for grade eight students’ basic schools, in private education. The study sample consists of (80) males and females pupils, divided into two groups: experimental and control according to the last results in the last exam to ensure of their equality. The researcher used the experimental method using the traditional aid (the blackboard) with the control group and the training and practice with the experimental group. The researcher used the post-test, and observation and discussion as data – collecting tools. The data was analyzed the using SPSS program. The research reached several conclusions: 1) There are significant statistical differences between the averages of the marks of the two groups: the control and experimental for the experimental favoring. The experimental one. 2) There are significant differences between averages of the two gender groups adorning for the female pupils. Recommendations: 1) Availability of computer laboratories in schools with periodic maintenance. 2) Training courses for the teacher in the use of computers in teaching. 3) Designing of specialized web site in the internet for training courses in cooperation with the specialists’ computer and instructional technology under the supervision the ministry of education. (Author’s abstract)