أثر الخرائط الذهنية البصرية في بيئة التعلم الإلكترونية على تنمية التحصيل العلمي ومهارات التفكير البصري لدى طلبة كلية التربية بجامعة الأقصى


The research aims to explore the effectiveness of visual Mind Map in e-Learning environment on developing scientific achievement and visual thinking skills among students of Faculty of Education in AI-Aqsa University. The study was conducted on a non-random sample from AI-Aqsa University students. It consisted of (68) male & female students who were willing for participation. The tools of study (Scientific Achievement Test & Skills of Visual Thinking Scale) were applied before learning through visual Mind Map in e- Learning environment and after it. The results revealed that the impact value of visual Mind Map in e- Learning environment on developing scientific achievement and skills of visual thinking are greater than the referral value. (Published abstract)