تقويم أسئلة كتاب الاجتماعيات للصف الأول المتوسط في ضوء تصنيف بلوم للأهداف المعرفية

The ministry of education has developed the social book for the first year students (intermediate middle school), and its application in the academic year 2017 - 2018AD. This research aims to shed light on the assessment of the questions of social books for the first Year students (intermediate middle school) the light of the classification of the objectives of Knowledge by answering the following questions: 1) what level of classification of question according Bloom's classification. 2) What is the level of comprehensiveness of the questions for the content of the subject? 3) What is the level of the objectivity of the questions?. The research was limited to the questions contained in the book and to be taught for the academic year 2017-2018, first edition 2017 AD - 1438AH. The researcher used the descriptive approach because it appropriates the nature of the current research as well as objectives. The sample size was (41) questions which are all the questions of the book (the research society). The researcher also used the following statistical methods (Cooper equation, percentage and Chi - squared test), the search resulted in a set of results, including: 1) the classification of the questions according to the classification of Bloom, the (level of understanding) occupied the first rank with (24) questions and a rate of (59%), and the level of memory ranked second by (17) in a rate of (41%) of the total questions (41) questions, included other levels of Bloom's classification. 2) The ratio of comprehensiveness of the questions compared to the objectives of the book which had (43.53) and is a weak and unsatisfactory percentage. 3) The percentage of essay questions answered had (78%), which is a large proportion compared to the subject questions (22%). The researcher further suggested a set of recommendations. (Published Abstract)