إستخدامات الكتاب الإلكتروني لدى الطلبة الجامعيين : دراسة في الاستخدامات والإشباعات


The purpose of this study known as: The use of eBook by university students, a study in the uses and the satisfactions, is to determine the nature of the use of eBook and the achieved satisfactions by the university students. This survey study has been structured into two main sections: the first section presents the methodological framework which includes the basic study variables: uses, university students, eBook. The second section is devoted to the application framework in which the habits and the patterns of the students' use of eBook at the university of Bouira were explored then the motives the achieved satisfactions from this use were explored too and the nature of the exploratory study necessitated to rely on the sample survey methodology, which we have used the questionnaire tool as a key tool containing 29 questions answering the questions of the study, in addition to the interview and the observation by participation. The most important results of the study: 1) The purpose of the use of eBook by students is to carry out scientific research and to provide information and general culture. 2) Students cannot do without eBook in obtaining information and knowledge. 3) The use of eBook is related on its quality of the services provided from demand and immediate delivery. (Published abstract)