دور القطاع الخاص في تمويل برامج تعليم ذوي الإعاقة بسلطنة عمان من وجهة نظر أصحاب العلاقة


The current study aims to identify the degree of private sector practice in financing education programs for people with disabilities in Oman from the point of view of employees of the private sector companies in oil companies, marble and companies registered in the excellent categories in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Al Zahirah Governorate, Sultanate of Oman. It also aimed to identify the obstacles of private sector partnership in financing education programs for people with disabilities from the point of view of workers in the private sector institutions of oil companies, marble and companies registered in the excellent categories in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Sultanate of Oman and employees within the Ministry of Education and the Department of Education. Finally, it aimed to present proposals to activate the private sector partnership in funding education programs for people with disabilities in Oman. The sample of this study was (71) from employees of the Ministry of Education in the Special Education Department in Al-Zhahirah Governorate in Oman and private sector employees in the companies registered in the two excellent categories in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Al-Zahirah Governorate in the Sultanate of Oman during the academic year 2017/ 2018. The results of the study show that the degree of the private sector’s contributing in the financing of the disabled people education in Al-Zahira in Oman is low. The results also showed that the obstacles of private sector partnership in financing education programs for people with disabilities in Al-Zahirah Governorate in Oman were high. The proposals presented by the researcher is either high or medium. (Published abstract)