فاعلية استخدام التعلم المدمج في تدريس مقرّر التوجيه والإرشاد التربوي في تنمية التحصيل والدافعية للتعلم لدى طالبات السنة الثانية علوم التربية بجامعة الوادي


The study has aimed at identifying effectiveness of using blended learning in teaching the course of educational orientation and counseling students in developing the achievement and motivation for learning. It’s focused on second year students Education Sciences at El-Oued University. The study followed semi-experimental method and the sample consisted of (66) students, divided into two groups (experimental group 31 and control group 35 female students). To collect the study data, an achievement test was used by the researcher and motivation measurement tool for Qatami (1999), and the measurement tools were applied to both groups. The results has showed effectiveness of the use of blended learning in the teaching of the Course (educational orientation and counseling) in developing the achievement and motivation for learning among second year female students. The study has recommended the need to implement the blended learning strategies in university teaching to contribute and improve the quality of higher education. (Published abstract)