درجة تضمين كتاب التربية الإسلامية للصف السادس الإعدادي في العراق لمهارات التفكير العليا


The study aimed at recognizing the degree of inclusion of Islamic education book for the sixth preparatory grade in Iraq to higher thinking skills. The analytical descriptive method was used in the study and preparation of content analysis card which included the fields of critical thinking and creative thinking together with their indicators distributed into (40) item. The sample of study consisted of content of Islamic education textbook for the sixth preparatory grade in Iraq. The study concluded that the textbook involved (160) repetitions of higher thinking skills, whereas critical thinking has attained (100) repetitions, while creative thinking has attained (60) repetitions. Moreover, the study concluded that there was imbalance in the distribution of higher thinking skills in Islamic education textbook for the sixth preparatory grade in Iraq. In light of study conclusions, the researcher recommended the following: Review Islamic education books and be enriched with higher thinking skills and maximum attention is devoted to creative thinking skills in Islamic education book for the sixth preparatory grade in Iraq. (Author’s abstract)