أثر التدريس التبادلي في اكتساب المفاهيم التاريخية وتنمية الإستطلاع العلمي عند طالبات الصف الثاني المتوسط

This research aims to identify “the effectiveness of teaching exchange in acquiring historical concepts and developing scientific questionnaire for second grade intermediate female students in material of history”. The researcher followed experimental method and partial control experimental design. He equaled between the two groups in a number of variables like, intellectual grades, chronical age of female students counted in months, academic level of both parents, and scientific questionnaire grades in pre-test. The results of research proved that there is significant statistical differences for the benefit of the experimental group. The researcher recommended the following: the necessity of using a teaching exchange strategy in teaching material of history for preparatory stages, preparing a suitable atmosphere inside the class and halls for female students, and taking care of preparing a teacher’s guide concluding a group of methods of teaching and modern strategies one of which teaching exchange. The researcher suggested the following: conducting similar studies with results of current studies, conducting studies to identify the effect of teaching exchange strategy in other variables like scientific thinking, cognitive, and critical, and other materials besides history. (Published Abstract)