تأثير الاتصال عبر مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي على القيم الدينية للأسرة الجزائرية من وجهة نظر أساتذة العلوم الاجتماعية في جامعة أم البواقي وتبسة


The current study aimed to see the impact of communication through social networking sites on the religious values of the Algerian family from the perspective of social science professors have adopted the descriptive analytical study, where the researcher application Impact of networks impact questionnaire contact via social networking sites on the religious values of the Algerian family, on a sample of (81) Professor who specializes in the social sciences at University or residuum and Tebessa, (45) Professor, (36) Professor at University or residuum and Tebessa, University The results were as follows: to communicate via social networking sites had a negative impact on the religious values of the Algerian family from the perspective of social science professors at the University or residuum and Tebessa. (Published Abstract)