القيم الأخلاقية في كتاب القراءة للصف الرابع الإبتدائي

The current research aims at identifying the moral values in the book of reading activity for the fourth grade of primary stage, which includes (46) subjects. The researcher adopted the descriptive approach which is based on the method of content based analysis. The research sample included (20) subjects from the book of reading activity for the fourth grade of primary stage. To achieve the objective of this research, the researcher designed analysis tool based on relevant previous studies. To verify the validity of the analysis tool, a classification form was presented in its initial form to a group of experts to ensure its validity. The researcher took the experts’ notes into consideration. Therefore, the final form of tool has included 13 moral values. The results of this research showed that (10) moral values included high frequency and (3) values gained a few frequencies. (Published Abstract)