درجة مراعاة كتب اللغة العربية في الصفوف الثلاثة الأولى لمعايير التنمية المستدامة


This study aims at identifying the degree of observance of Arabic language books in the first three grades in Jordan for the Sustainable development criteria, the study society is composed of Arabic language books for the first three grades, which include (1, 2 and 3) in the Ministry of Education in Jordan for the academic year 2017 / 2018. The study adopted the descriptive approach in the content analysis method. The questionnaire was adopted as a tool for analyzing the criteria of sustainable development after verifying its validity and stability. The sentence was taken as a unit of analysis. The tool was applied to the Arabic language books for the first three grades (1, 2 and 3) to answer the study questions. The results of the study showed that the degree of observance of the Arabic language books in the first three grades of sustainable development criteria is significant, and the results of the study showed differences in the frequency and percentages of sustainable development criteria in Arabic books for the first three grades (1, 2 and 3) vary by grade, where the value of (Chi-Square) is statistically significant for the third grade in sustainable development criteria. Based on the results, the study came out with several recommendations, including: Calling on educational institutions to focus on the Arabic language curricula to highlight the effects of sustainable development standards, to organize events inside and outside the school for students and to broadcast the importance of standards of sustainable development. Through the use of texts from the Arabic language books in the basic stage. (Author's abstract)