مدخل تدريسي مقترح قائم على "التشعب الدلالي للمفردات - النظرية التوسيعية باستخدام الرحلات المعرفية عبر الإنترنت - الفهم النحوي" وأثره في تنمية مهارات الفهم القرائي لدى طلاب المرحلة الثانوية


The study aimed to introduce a new teaching entrance in the field of teaching Arabic language, and its impact on the development of reading comprehension skills among high school students. This approach was based on modern educational and linguistic orientations: the semantic divergence of vocabulary, the expansionist theory, the cognitive journeys through the internet, the grammatical understanding. The study tools and their educational materials consisted of: a list of reading comprehension skills required for secondary students, a description of the proposed teaching entrance that included a detailed description of the teaching steps to be followed, including an explanation of student and teacher activities, and a reading comprehension test. The study tools were applied to a sample of students of the first year of secondary school in the secondary school of Al-Delengat. Their number was divided into two groups: experimental and control, each with 33 students. The final results of the application revealed the effectiveness of the proposed approach; it had a positive effect on improving the performance of students in reading comprehension skills. (Published Abstract)