تمويل التعليم في المملكة العربية السعودية : تحديات وبدائل


The objective of this research is to identify the concept of financing public and higher education, basic and secondary sources, as well as recognize the reality of funding for public education and higher education in a number of members of the Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf states, and the reality of funding for education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with the situation to the problems of financing solutions, and alternatives proposed to fund education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the light of the experiences of economic cooperation and development (OECD) countries. And so by answering the following question: What is the reality of funding for education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and what is expected of him? The results have led to the adoption of more developed countries (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries) on the local production of the private sector significantly but the index is still weak in the Arab countries. As it turns out that Saudi Arabia is spending on education amounts is the largest in the world are supported primarily on the government budget, and they are actively seeking to increase spending on education of GDP. One of the main recommendations: to rely on other sources of funding in education funding with the expansion of economic and financial research, so make the most of the financial resources available to take advantage. He also recommends working to develop relationships with the private sector, and be involved in some educational policies to support the educational process. Also to work in cooperation with the Arab Gulf states to absorb the information and technical education and employment in educational projects in particular to achieve the future ambitions, within the framework of the Islamic faith. The researcher used the descriptive approach. The study population includes all the diplomas students (189), and MBA students (40) at Prince Sattam University. (115) of the students answered the questionnaire (91) students from diplomas and (24) students from the Master. (Published Abstract)