المشكلات التدريسية التي يعاني منها الطلبة في فرع العلوم الإنسانية في الكلية التربوية المفتوحة - مركز ذي قار

The aim this the research for knowing the problems of studies which of suffer from the student in branch sciences humanity in college of education opening center Thi Qar for the study year(2016-2017). Consist the sample research basic (100) pupil (male and female) the (8) from of questionnaire losted and stay (92) pupil and accommodate questionnaire organic which ensure the research from validity and show on group from adept and specialists in curriculum and methods study and science psychology education and measurement and evaluation and variability account by method (test-retest) and account degree (0,87). And after that the application the research questionnaire on sample of reason original and which consist (92) pupil (male and female) and the researcher treat with this data statistic and clarity the results to the found problems studies which suffer of studying in branch science humanity in collage. Opening - Thar Qar education. (Published abstract)