تقويم كتب اللغة العربية لصفوف المرحلة الأساسية الدنيا في ضوء معايير جودة المحتوى وتنظيمه في فلسطين

The study aimed at evaluating Arabic language books for lower elementary grades in light of content quality standards and organization in Palestine. The study adopted the analytical descriptive approach. The sample consisted of all student books of Arabic language curricula applied on lower elementary grades totaling (8) books by one book for each grade for the year of 2016-2017. The tool represented by a list of quality standards and content organization. 1) In first grade book, content quality standards are available by a percentage of (77.8%), and content organization standards by a percentage of (76.6%). 2) In second grade book, content quality standards are available by a percentage of (74.8%), and content organization standards by a percentage of (82.6%). 3) In third grade book, content quality standards are available by a percentage of (66.5%), and content organization standards by a percentage of (56.6%). 4) In fourth grade book, content quality standards are available by a percentage of (78.7%), and content organization standards by a percentage of (73.3%). In light of results interpretation, the researcher recommends the following: 1) To reconsider the content of books that showed lack of standards availability, and work on manifesting them efficiently. 2) To adopt modern methods in teaching Arabic language to deliver study information easily to students taking into consideration content quality standards and organization. (Author's abstract)