تطوير وحدات تعليمية في ضوء التربية الإعلامية في كتب التربية الوطنية والمدنية للمرحلة الأساسية وقياس أثرها في تنمية الوعي الإعلامي لدى الطلبة


The purpose of the study is to investigate the effect of developing instructional units in media education through national and civic textbooks among students in the second semester of 2016/2017. The population of the study consisted of tenth grade female students in Irbid educational directorate, as the schools were selected purposefully from female schools in Irbid. The classes were assigned randomly by selecting two classes containing (59) students, then choosing the experimental group totaling (29) students from one school to measure the effect of the developed unit and a control group of (30) students from the same school. To achieve the aim of the study units from the tenth grade national and civic textbooks and provided them with media education applications, then media awareness scale containing (30) items was administrated. The findings of the study showed that there are significant statistical differences in media awareness attributed to the developed unit according to media education in national and civic textbooks. Based on the findings the researchers recommended the need to develop a national planned and regular vision for media education within school curriculum especially national and civic textbooks. (Published Abstract)