أثر تدريس القراءة بتفعيل مهارات الذكاء العاطفي في تنمية مهارات القراءة والكتابة لدى طالبات الصف الرابع الأساسي في الأردن


The aim of this study was to find out the effect of teaching reading on the activation of emotional intelligence skills in the development of reading and writing skills among fourth grade students in Jordan. The sample of the study consisted of (60) female students in two groups; experimental (30) female students and female (30) female students. The researcher used the semi-experimental approach. (10) Questions and a writing skill test (5). The results of the study showed that the activation of emotional intelligence skills to teach reading had a statistically significant effect for the experimental group in reading and writing skills. In the light of the results, the study recommended: Include the guides of Arabic language teachers in the basic stage how to activate the skills of emotional intelligence in the teaching of the Arabic language. Emotional intelligence as a teaching strategy with different skills in the training of teachers of Arabic on modern strategies. (Author’s abstract)