مستوى وعي معلمي الاجتماعيات في المرحلة الثانوية في دولة الكويت لمفهوم المواطنة الرقمية من وجهة نظرهم


The study aimed to identify the Recognition Level the Secondary Social Teachers of Digital Citizenship in Kuwait from their perspectives, in view of the variables (gender, scientific qualification and years of experience). The descriptive method was used by developing a questionnaire based on the previous studies, consisting of (40) paragraphs divided into three fields. A sample was chosen in the simple random way. It consisted of (213) social teachers in the capital city of Kuwait. The results showed that the Recognition Level the Secondary Social Teachers of Digital Citizenship in Kuwait from their perspectives was high, and the study found that there are no statistically significant differences in the estimates of the study sample on the fields of Recognition Level of social teachers in the secondary stage in Kuwait for the concept of Digital citizenship is attributed to the gender variable except the field of self-protection and others and the differences came in favor of male. The study also found that there are no statistically significant differences in the sample of the study on the Recognition Level of social teachers in the secondary stage in the State of Kuwait for the concept of digital citizenship due to the variable of scientific qualification except for self-esteem and others. The study found that there are no statistically significant differences in the sample of the study on the Recognition Level of social teachers in the secondary stage in the State of Kuwait for the concept of digital citizenship due to the variable years of experience in all fields except the areas of communication with others and the tool as a whole. Based on the findings of the study, the researcher recommends holding training courses for teachers aimed at increasing their awareness of their digital rights and duties, developing their skills in employing digital media in the educational process in a positive manner, and the importance of teachers' understanding of the importance of respecting electronic copyright and intellectual property, Digital media for sharing information and experiences with others. (Author’s abstract)