مساهمة مستويات المعالجة المعرفية في التنبؤ بالفهم القرائي في ضوء سعة الذاكرة وبنية النص

The study aimed to explore the relationship between levels of cognitive processing memory span discourse structure on reading comprehension in a sample of university students. A cognitive processing test (CPLT) of Mustafa El Zayat, memory span test (MST) reading comprehension test (RCT) and two discourses texts (circle island and piaget theory) were applied to sample of 322 university students. The multiple regression analysis of the data has shown the following results: both surface and deep processing and discourse structure of the circle island contributed differently to literal reading comprehension. The beta values were (0.24, 0.13, 0.14) respectively. For inferential comprehension reading only deep level processing and discourse structure for both texts (piaget theory, circle island) contributed significantly as shown on beta values (-0.13 ,0.16,-0.16). For critical comprehension reading only the deeper level and the discourse structure of piaget text (theory) contributed significantly as shown by beta values (0.25 ,0.17). These results were discussed in the light of theoretical literature and previous studies. (Published abstract)