العلاقة بين إدراك المعلمين للعدالة التنظيمية ومستوى التزامهم بسلوك المواطنة التنظيمية : دراسة ميدانية على معلمي المرحلة الثانوية في منطقة القصيم التعليمية


The present study aimed to identify the level of Qassim secondary teachers’ awareness of organizational justice, and to identify their level of organizational citizenship behavior. The study also aimed to explore the nature of the relationship between teachers’ awareness of organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior in Qassim secondary schools, and identify the statistical significant differences for teachers’ realization of organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior according to some variables including sex, experience and type of qualification. The study adopted descriptive research methodology, drawing on descriptive survey approach. Sample of the study consisted of 368 secondary teachers in Qassim educational region. The study utilized a tool that was developed by Niehoff and Moorman 1993 to measure organizational justice; it was also based on Podsakoff et al. 1990 to measure organizational citizenship behavior. The study found that the level of awareness of teachers’ organizational justice was average, while the level of organizational citizenship behavior was high, and there was a positive correlation between organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior. Statistically significant differences were found in the perception of organizational justice due to gender while there were no differences due to experience and qualification. There were also no statistically significant differences in organizational citizenship behavior attributed to the study variables. (Published abstract)