أثر نموذج الإستقصاء الدوري في الفهم القرائي لطالبات الصف الثاني المتوسط في مادة المطالعة والنصوص

The present research aims to identify the effect of the periodic survey model on the reading comprehension of the second grade students in the reading and text. In order to achieve the goal of the research, the researchers formulated two hypotheses suitable for the research and chose a experimental design with partial control. The researchers rewarded between the two research groups in a number of variables. The researchers began the experiment on Monday 21/2/2017 and ended on Wednesday, 20/4/2017, the researchers prepared a test in the reading comprehension, the researchers confirmed his sincerity and persistence, and at the end Application The researchers used the test of two independent samples in the processing of statistical data. The results showed that the experimental group was superior to the control group in the reading comprehension. The researchers concluded that the teaching of the periodic survey model led to their recognition. Consistent with their awareness of the importance of reading and value, the researchers recommended the need to care to study the periodic survey model in the branches of the other Arabic language, and proposed a similar study in the variables of other than the reading comprehension as Consciousness, direction, and Other. (Published Abstract)