درجة توافر مهارات التفكير العلمي المستمدة من القرآن الكريم في كتب التربية الإسلامية للمرحلة الأساسية العليا بالأردن


The study aimed to identify the degree of availability of scientific thinking skills in the books of Islamic education as per basic education. The analysis method was used, where the sample of the study consisted of the books of Islamic education as well as 176 students were chosen from high primary schools in Jordan. The study results showed that the highest percentages were in favor to the skill of interpretation of the data, by 36.2%, in favor of content and assessment variables in the book of seventh grade, whereas measurement skill was not apparent in the Islamic Education Textbooks and study results also showed the effectiveness of the proposed vision in the development of scientific thinking among students skills. (Published abstract)