تقويم برامج تدريب المعلمين الجدد في الصفوف الثلاثة الأولى في المدارس الحكومية على مناهج الرياضيات المطورة


This study aimed to identify the first three classes of the evaluation parameters estimates for training programs for mathematics curricula developed. The study followed the descriptive approach; the sample consisted of all new teachers in the directorate of education, the second in the capital Amman, public schools and their number was 120 parameters. To achieve the objectives of the study were prepared a questionnaire consisting of 32 items distributed on 3 areas: coach evaluate, evaluate training programs content, and evaluate the products of training programs. The results showed that the evaluate parameters estimates for training programs provided by the ministry of education for them in the field of mathematics curricula developed was high in all areas. Results did not show the existence of any statistically significant differences in the estimates of the parameters of the evaluate programs due to the variables of scientific and type of class. The study recommended the continuation of the participation of teachers and educational supervisors in the planning of training programs. And to attract more qualified trainers with higher degrees and appropriate teacher training disciplines. (Published Abstract)