مفاهيم النضج المهني واتخاذ القرار، والاتجاه نحو التعليم المهني المتضمنة في كتب التربية المهنية للمرحلة الأساسية العليا في الأردن


This study aimed at exploring the concepts of career maturity, decision-making and attitude toward vocational learning incorporated in vocational learning textbooks (sample of the study) for upper basic stages in Jordan. In order to answer the questions of this study, a list of suggested concepts were developed to include 61 concepts. These concepts were distributed among the following three domains: career maturity, decision-making and attitude toward vocational learning. The word and the theme were used as a unit for analysis. The validity of the analysis and the reliability of the instrument were also confirmed. The results of the study revealed the following: 1) a list of concepts were suggested and developed to be incorporated in vocational learning textbooks in Jordan. 2) The total frequencies of concepts incorporated in the vocational learning textbooks (1009) were distributed among three domains: career maturity, decision- making and attitude toward vocational learning. 3) There are statistical differences between the totals of the frequencies of the concepts and their percentages. 4) When comparing the results of the current study with the results expected from experts in the field of curricula development, the numbers were in full agreement. (Published Abstract)