أثر برنامج تعليمي في تنمية التفكير الناقد لدى طلاب الصف الخامس الأدبي في مادة المطالعة

Aim of the research to know the effect of an educational program in the development of critical thinking among fifth-grade students in literary reading material .olthakiq goal Find researcher chose consisted of 60 samples students from fifth grade in junior high literary Ibn al-Nafis for Boys students. They divided into two groups, the first trial consisted of 30 students have studied the use of the tutorial, and the other officer consisted of 30 students have studied in the traditional way. Rewarded researcher between the two sets of variables Search: chronological age students and parents who for academic achievement, and the final score of the Arabic language for the academic year before, tribal and testing skills in cash. Select material that will be examined in the experiment from the book reading to be taught to students in the fifth grade literary for the academic year 2014 - 2015 AD subjects, and coined the behavioral objectives to those topics, has prepared a model plans teaching according tutorial traditional way, and re-achievement test to measure (the dependent variable) thinking critic, be one of the 30 the whole paragraph of multiple choice, it may prove researcher of sincerity, and persistence, promising standard for corrected And having studied two groups of researcher Find himself in the trial, which lasted an entire semester, test dish, and analyzed the results using statistical means the following: Samples t-test for independent samples, and Chi-square, and Pearson correlation coefficient, and the equation Spearman - Brown, transactions and difficulty, discriminatory power, and effectiveness of alternatives. The researcher found to exceed the experimental group students who studied by a tutorial on the control group students who have studied in the traditional way in the development of critical thinking they have. (Published abstract)