بناء وتطبيق مقياس القلق الإحصائي لدى طلبة قسم العلوم التربوية والنفسية

The present research aims at designing and applying a scale in the statistical anxiety for the students at educational and psychological sciences. It is applied on a sample of 100 male and female students in the second and third year; namely ; 37 male and female students from the second year, and 63 from the third year .The final form of the tool is composed of 30 items. The face validity and the construct validity are secured as well as the reliability by using test and retest formula and Cronbach's Alpha .The result obtained show that there is a statistical significant difference in the trait of the statistical anxiety .The result also revealed that there is a statistical significant difference according to the sex variable in favor of the male students and according to the grade variable in favor of the third year students. (Published abstract)