أثر استراتيجية pdeode في اكتساب المفاهيم التاريخية لدى طلاب الصف الثاني المتوسط

This research aims to find out (the effect of a strategy PDEODE to acquire historical concepts of second year Mediterranean students, through the verification of the hypothesis and as the following: Statistically, there is no significant difference at the level of indication (0.05) between the average scores of the experimental group that studied under a strategy (PDEODE) students and the degrees of control group which studied the usual way of historical concepts students. The researcher used a two equivalent experimental design and post – test to gain historical concepts, the samples reached the number of respondents (64 students) by (33), a student of the control group who has studied in the usual way and (31) called for the experimental group who has studied in accordance with the strategy (PDEODE), has been equal. My Group Search ( experimental and control) was equal in the number of variables ( chronological age-month period , and intelligence , previous information ). For the purpose of verification of the objectives of the research , the researcher tested the acquisition of historical concepts tool , where includes the concepts of ( 60 ) items to test a multi type according to classification of ( defining the concept , discrimination concept , the application of the concept ) , the researcher has offered to acquire historical test concepts on a group of experts to verify the charity . The application of experience has been applied to the classroom the first year school (2015 -2016) and Article tuition for the three classes the first book of the Arab – Muslim history has lasted experiment (9) weeks and by two portions of each group and the researcher taught the two groups by himself, and after the end of the experiment has the data processing using the test T.test for two independent samples and after the end of the experiment results showed. The experimental group that studied under a strategy students (PDEODE) on the control group, who studied in the usual way to test the acquisition of historical concepts students, and accordingly, the researcher recommended to adopt of a strategy (PDEODE) in the teaching of history. (Published abstract)