مدى توافر معايير جودة خدمة الموقع الإلكتروني للجامعة ودورها في تحقيق رضا الطالب : دراسة حالة للموقع الإلكتروني لكلية العلوم الإقتصادية والتجارية وعلوم التسيير بجامعة سطيف 1، الجزائر


This study aimed at examining the availability of service quality standards applied in the website of the Faculty of Economics, business and administrative Sciences at the University of Setif 1 -Algeria and its role in achieving student satisfaction. To achieve this aim, a questionnaire was developed, checked for its psychometric properties and distributed to a sample of 257 students who were randomly selected. Major results revealed the following: The study participants had a positive impression about the standards regarding the website content, organization and easy handling, while the design standard received an average impression, if not a negative impression. The participants’ level of satisfaction of the website service quality standards was generally on average. There was a statistically significant influence of the website service quality on the overall participants’ satisfaction. (Published Abstract)