تقويم الكتاب الالكتروني المصمم لمادة الحاسوب للصف الاول المتوسط من وجهة نظر معلمي الحاسوب في العراق في ضوء المعايير العالمية


This study aims to Evaluation of this electronic book that designed for computer book for the first grade intermediate from the point of view of computer teachers in Iraq in the light of international standards, the study population consists of all computer teachers of the intermediate stage in Baghdad governorate in Iraq, the sample was chosen as computer teachers for (15) Islamic schools in Baghdad governorate, A sample of the study was adopted and descriptive research method was adopted. The study procedures were in two stages, the first stage: It was designed of the computer book for the first grade of the Islamic schools in Iraq electronically according to the international standards in the production of the electronic book, the second stage: it was preparation of a list of (questionnaire) for computer teachers to evaluate the e-book designed in four fields and it was a study tool, One of the most important findings of the study is that Estimates of computer teachers of the electronic book designed according to the international standards for students of the first grade of middle school in Iraqi schools and in a total (89%), a very good estimate, and The field of use of the electronic book ranked first with an estimate of (92.2)%. One of the most important recommendations is to introduce computer teachers to specialized courses in (educational programs and electronic tests and how to use and use in the educational process. (Author’s abstract)