تقويم كتاب العلوم للصف الرابع الأساسي من وجهة نظر معلمات العلوم في مديرية تربية وتعليم عمان الأولى


This study aimed to know about the evaluation of 4th grade science book from the perspective of the female science teachers at the Amman first’s directorate of education. The researcher developed an evaluation consisting of 40 passages distributed into 5 categories: the goals, the content and the activities, the general look, the language and the readability, and the evaluation techniques, as their honesty and firmness were ensured. The evaluation was distributed to the study sample which included 96 4th grade science female teachers coming from the schools of the first Amman’s directorate of education. The outcomes of the study showed that the overall result of the teacher’s evaluation results for the 4th grade science book in the first Amman’s directorate of education came out to be high as the overall final score was (3.7). In addition, the outcomes showed some differences of a statistical significance, among the teachers’ evaluation scores of the 4th grade science book, that can be attributed to the educational degree variance, with the advantage to those holding a master degree. The outcomes also showed some differences of a statistical significance among the teachers’ evaluation scores of the 4th grade science book attributed to the periods of experience variance among teachers, with the advantage to those having a 10-year or more of experience. The outcome also showed a difference of a statistical significance in the teachers’ evaluation scores of the 4th grade science book in first Amman’s directorate of education attributed to the of training courses variance, with the advantage to more than 4 courses. In addition, a difference of a statistical significance in the evaluation scores of the teachers is attributed to the interaction between the educational degree and the working experience period, with the advantage to the master degree and a more than 10 year working experience. (Author’s abstract)