أساليب التقويم المرحلي الإلكتروني بالمقررات المفتوحة المصدر واسعة الالتحاق وأثرها في الدافعية للإنجاز وتنمية مهارات استخدام أنظمة إدارة المحتوى لدى طالبات الدراسات العليا جامعة الملك سعود

The present research aims to identify the impact of e- formative evaluation methods in massive open online courses on achievement motivation and developing the skills of using content management systems for graduate students of king Saud university, the research used the experimental design(pre-posttest two groups where the sample is divided into two groups؛ control group(learned and evaluated by traditional method) and experimental group(learned open online course and evaluated by some e-formative evaluation methods) each of them consists of (45) Students of educational technology department king Saud university, and used study scale motivation achievement "to Hermans" where Farook Abd el-Fatah make Arabization 2001,astheresearcherdesignmassive open course on" Rwaq" platform, an observation card to measure the skills of using content management systems, the results shows: there are statistically significant differences between the average marks of the students in the experimental and control groups in scale motivation achievement and observation card in favor of the experimental group,. There are statistically significant differences between the average marks of the students in the experimental group in the pre measurement in scale motivation achievement and observation card and post measurement in favor of the post measurement, the research recommended by using e- formative evaluation methods in massive open online courses in achievement motivation in different subjects and the need of training the teachers on use e- formative evaluation methods. (Published Abstract)