apprentissage par exploitation de l’erreur et à distance (aeed) : des obstacles à la remédiation dans l’apprentissage du système nerveux


In conformity with the principles of differentiated pedagogy that grants the student the right to learn at his/her own pace and according to individual choices within an array of possibilities, among which, collaborative learning, we have relied on the concept of e-Error Based Learning (e-EBL); a new outlook on the educational support. We have studied the impact of this type of e-learning support on overcoming obstacles and errors committed by struggling Grade 10 students when learning the Nervous System. Then we compared the efficiency of such a tool (63 students in experimental classes) to that of a face-to-face educational support (58 students in sample classes). A summative evaluation was conducted following “traditional” teaching to 288 Grade 10 students; it pinpointed conceptual, methodological, didactic, epistemological, psychological and ideological obstacles and errors. After analysing them, we were able to discern the unmet learning objectives. This led us to the setting-up of the Interactive Learning Platform (ILP) aiming to remedy the aforementioned errors. Then we set up a teacher training session on the e-EBL and the use of the interactive platform. The results showed that e-Error Based Learning via this platform provides a good pathway for improving the students’ performance, for helping struggling students develop a new relation to knowledge, as well as new skills such as acquiring a good command of the acquired knowledge, better reasoning and more efficient communication. It also proved to have several advantages over the conventional remediation. (Author's abstract)