تقويم محتوى كتاب العلوم للصف الرابع الأساسي في ضوء متطلبات 2015-timss في الأردن


The purpose of this study was to determine the requirements of TIMSS-2015 to be available in the content of the 4th grade textbook, and to identify the level of TIMSS-2015 requirements which include "knowledge processes, application and reasoning" from the point of view of science teachers. The analytical descriptive approach was used to accomplish the objectives of this study. The study population included the text book for the fourth grade, and included the science teachers who teach the fourth grade students in the first directorate of education in Irbid governorate. The study included two tools the first by preparing a list of requirements for the study of international trends of science (TIMSS-2015), and the second included a questionnaire to measure the knowledge skills which include (knowledge, application, reasoning) . The results of the analysis of the science 4th grade text book for the content analysis fields analyzed by the researcher and were in moderate degree. The results of the content analysis showed that the availability of science objects in 4th grade science text book for the field of (biology, physics and ecology) were in medium degree. Also the results showed that there are medium degrees in the level of 4th grade textbook for the knowledge content (knowledge processes, application and reasoning) in light of the requirements of TIMSS-2015 from teacher’s perspective. In light of the study results, the study recommended a review of the curriculum for the fourth grade by the curriculum administrators, to include all areas in line with the requirements of the study of international trends in science study (TIMSS-2015). (Author's abstract with Amendment)