الصدق التنبؤي لمعايير القبول ومقررات السنة التحضيرية بالمعدلات التراكمية للطلبة بالكليات في جامعة تبوك


The aim of this study was to identify the predictive power (validity) of three main variables (school GPA, Ability test (Ab),and Achievement test (Ac)) before and after adding the courses’ scores of the Preparatory year (Py) as predictors of the student’s cumulative scores by the end of the first academic year in the University of Tabuk by using different statistical techniques (zero order correlations, Enter, and Stepwise regression) on the scores of 867 students (male and female). The Zero correlations were (0.90, 0.46, 0.40 and 0.13) for Py, Ab, Ac and GPA. The explained variance using the three main predictors was 36% for the scientific track, and 17% for the Arts track. This variance became 82% and 80% after adding Py as predictor. The explained variances were changed significantly in all cases when the courses of the Py were entered with the other predictors. The study results recommended adding Py scores as predictors due to the statistical and practical change of explained variance based on the variance explained by the main three standards of admission. The results show that the explained variance added by school GPA is no: significant or trivial, and looking for different kind of validity for this purpose is recommended. (Published abstract)