التسويف الأكاديمي ناتج إسهام العوامل الخمس الكبرى للشخصية وتفاعلات كل من متغيرات إدمان الإنترنت وبعض المتغيرات الديموجرافية لدى عينة من طلبة الجامعة


This study aimed at discovering the degree of contribution of Five Big Personality Factors and Internet addiction to Academic procrastination among college students, revealing the predictability of academic procrastination with the given study variables separately or combined and which one of them is more effective and finally recognizing the effect of simple and compound reactions of the study variables on academic procrastination scale. Study sample consisted of 236 students enrolled in the department of psychology at faculty of arts - Assiut University [82 males (34.5%):154 females (65.3%)] with mean age of 19.91 years old and S.D of 1.48 for the whole sample. Study findings indicated that there are some significant positive correlations between academic procrastination, internet addiction and neurosis, and the negative correlations were between academic procrastination, extroversion and agreeableness, as well as, the differences that were found between those who are high and low in all academic procrastination variables. There were no differences between study variables according to variables of gender or academic grade except for neurosis where there were differences according to the academic grade in favor of the first grade, and the academic procrastination was found that it could be predicted in the study sample through the Five Big personality factors and internet addiction. Findings showed an influence by the dual reactions between (internet addiction X gender) and between (internet addiction X academic grade) on the total score of the academic procrastination, but no influence was found for the tri reactions. (Published Abstract)