برنامج لإكساب معلمة علم الإجتماع مهارات إدارة سلوك الطلاب وفق التربية الإيجابية، وأثره على جودة الحياة النفسية للطلاب داخل الصف، وشعور المعلمة بالأمن النفسي والأمل

This research targets Sociology teacher`s acquisition of students' behavioral management skills according to positive education, and to refrain old methods in dealing/communicating with students, by using new substitutions that depend on positive/ active guidance; through the fulfillment of their need for love, appreciation and respect, by rewarding the positive behavior of students. This will support their self confidence, self- respect, their respect to others as well and their self discipline, in other words; the fulfillment of students` psychological well being in class. Therefore, the achievement of peace and production inside the class, which is reflected upon the teacher with psychological security and hope. search results confirmed that; the effectiveness of the suggested program for sociology teacher to acquire students` behavioral management skills according to positive education, and its great effect/ influence on achieving the psychological well - being for students in class, and the teacher`s feeling of psychological security and hope as well. (Published Abstract)