البحث العلمي في الفنون والتصميم نحو تقويم برنامج الفنون بكلية الدراسات العليا بجامعة السودان للعلوم والتكنولوجيا


This paper aims to shed light on Art and Design research in general and the experience of Sudan University of Science and Technology s Art Graduate Program in specific The study followed an inductive descriptive methodology to studythe developments in Art and DesignResearch as well as the experience of theArtGraduate Program at the University of Sudan for future assessment The study relied on a number of available references reports scientific papers and journals Results of the study showeda steady increase in the number of research completed within differentdisciplinesin the period between 2007 and 2015 The study also showed assessment deficiencies in the various stages of the Art Graduate Program development at the College and failure to keep pace with the College of Graduate Studies which has witnessed recent changes in its structure and courses The study recommends assessing the Art Graduate Program through arrangements that consists of two workshops the first sould assessthe research methodologies and methods used in order to develop them to suit the nature of the different disciplines which are based on artistic creativity in the Fine Art and innovation in the Design disciplines The second workshopshouldiscusses the constraints of equipments facilities staff supervisors and external examiners aiming at developingan internal bylaws that coincide with regional and global research standardsand being compatiblewith the National Strategy for Scientific Research in Sudan (Published abstract)