أحلام اليقظة وعلاقتها بسلوك العزلة لدى طلبة الجامعات الأهلية في مركز محافظة اربيل

In this research, the researcher aims to identify the relationship between daydreams and behaviour of isolation and to recognize there levels by using a sample according to demographic variations (sex, stage, specialty, and residence). The researcher adopted (AlQurashi, 2002) special scale for daydreams and prepared a scale for behaviour of isolation depending on Theory of knowledge and some previous studies. The two scales have been implemented on (160) students (males and females) at first and fourth year of study at Private Universities in Irbil Governorate. The researchers has reached to the rise of level of positive daydreams in students and the decrease of level of behaviour of isolation. There were no significant functions in the level of daydreams according to variable of sex, stage, and specialty, but there was high significant functions found on variation of residence for those of residence (temporary). As for behaviour of isolation, there were significant functions on level of sex and stage, but high significant variations were found on level of specialty (scientific) and residence (temporary). The results showed a positive correlative relationship between daydreams and behaviour of isolation. (Published Abstract)