العدالة التنظيمية وعلاقتها بالولاء التنظيمي لدى أعضاء هيئة التدريس بالسنة التحضيرية بجامعة تبوك: المتعاقدين مع شركات التعلم


The present study aimed to reveal the relationship between organizational justice and Organizational Commitment among faculty members of the Preparatory Year/ University of Tabuk, the study population consisted of 686 faculty member working in the preparatory year, and included a sample 228 Single took random basis. The researcher developed two tools: one for measuring organizational justice, and the other to measure organizational loyalty. Results of the study showed the following: 1) The degree of application of organizational justice by the preparatory year management from the viewpoint of the faculty members were moderately. 2) That the teaching about the paragraphs of organizational loyalty in general scales staff. Estimates' have got the arithmetic average 3.24 and a standard deviation 0.76 represents the degree of appreciation Medium. 3) The existence of a positive correlation between the degree of organizational justice to the preparatory year management transactions and the degree of organizational loyalty among faculty members. (Published abstract)