شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي وانعكاساتها على بعض القيم لدى طلبة التعليم الثانوي الفني الصناعي بمحافظة أسيوط: دراسة ميدانية


Study Problem: The study problem has been identified in one main question: What are the reflecting of social Networks sites on some values among the students of the Industrial, technical, secondary, Education in Assiut governorate? This main question has been divided into the following sub questions: 1) what is the conceptual framework of social network sites? 2) What are the intellectual and theoretical, frameworks of values? And what is the reflecting of social networks sites on some of these values? 3) What is the reality of the reflecting of social networks sites on values among the students of the Industrial, technical, secondary Education in Assiut governorate? 4) What are suggested recommendations for the reflecting of social networks sites on some values among the students of the Industrial, technical, secondary, Education in Assiut governorate? Aims of the Study: This study aims at recognizing on the following: 1) the conceptual framework of social networks sites. 2) The intellectual and theoretical frameworks of values, and the reflecting of social networks sites on some of the values. 3) The reality of the reflecting of social networks sites on some values among the students of the Industrial, technical, secondary, Education in Assiut governorate. 4) The suggested recommendations in the light of the results of the study. Research Methodology: This study has used descriptive research method and questionnaire as a tool for data collection. The Results of the Study: 1) The total average of the reflecting of social networks sites on the social, Economic, religious, values, among the students of the Industrial, technical, secondary Education in Assiut governorate was 2.16 according to the key of correction, this refers to a reasonable reflecting of these social networks sites on the previous values, among these students. 2) The social values came on top of the other values among sample subjects, as they are extremely influenced by social networks sites, then the religious values came secondly, and the economic values came on the third position. There are statistically significant differences at 0.05 between males and females attitudes towards the reflecting of social networks sites on the religious values favoring males. There are not statistically significant differences at 0.05 between males and females attitudes towards the reflecting of social networks sites on the economic values. There are statistically significant differences at 0.05 between males and females attitudes towards the reflecting of social networks sites on the social values favoring females. Recommendations of the Study: 1) The parents and the teachers should guide the students of the industrial, technical, secondary, Education in Assiut values to the ideal use of the social networks sites and avoiding them the bad use of these social networks sites. 2) The government must ban the immoral social networks sites that may destroy the morals of the students. 3) The exhibitions should be held in the industrial, technical, secondary schools in Assiut values to offer the industrial, productive projects of the students of these schools to encourage the national product, and help them financially. (Published abstract)