خدمات المعلومات الإلكترونية في المكتبات الجامعية العراقية: دراسة تطويرية


The purpose of this study to show what is the electronic information service that offered from four Iraqi university libraries inside Bagdad governorate which are: central library in Baghdad university for the both branches in Al Jadriyah and Al Wazyriyah, the central library in the technical university, the central library in Al Basrah university in Al Basrah governorate, central library for Al Koufa university in Al Najaf governorate and the knowledge of supplying the applications (web 2.0) to offer electronic information service and and surrounding the abilities that could be through it supply this service in the library, also the purpose is to stand on the touched indicators that result from the service that offered by this libraries and the an accurate knowledge of the scientific and practical qualifications for the employees and coordinate between the specialized in the field of libraries and information service from side and between the specialized in the computers field from the other side also submitting alternatives and the possible solutions to improve the libraries and information service in the libraries under study. The study used a curriculum survey the research society reaches for 9532 beneficiaries and the proportionality stratified sample has been chosen to represent the society of the study. 477 forms of questionnaire have been distributed on the real beneficiary from the central libraries who are have a library identification in Baghdad, technical, Basrah, Koufa universities with tools for collection the data represented by the tool of questionnaire and meeting and note the statistical methods (amid a weighted arithmetic, arithmetic mean, weight percent, measurement of amount of gab, calculating the percentage for matching amount) have been depended on analyzing the results of the questionnaire. The important results of the research are: 1) Existence of a page on the social media sites like facebook, twitter, google as appears from the beneficiaries answers makes the process of reaching information for them easier because of plenty of sites and that what the first assumption achieves : the web applications have a positive influence on electronic information service. 2) 50 % of the beneficiary prefer visiting site to get the service before going to the library and that improve the second assumption there is a positive relationship between the electronic information service that offered by the library and the beneficiaries. 3) The specialists in the libraries and information field have an influence on improvement the quality of offered information service, the study shows that increasing numbers of employees in the field of libraries and information that leads to better quality of the service and that the third assumption achieve: lack of specialists in the libraries and information has a negative influence on electronic information service submitting. The research reach for important suggestions are: 1) Investment of services and applications that available in the Internet environment such as Viber, WhatsApp, and feedback service to submit best service by using sites. 2) Necessity of customizing computers and information and sites under the site management supervision and making maintenance to remove the defect, and sometimes a sudden defect happens and that need a specialist in computer. 3) The study suggest the employment of electronic information service by the libraries that provided from the web application by the blog. http://orooba70.blogspot.com (blog special with showing the samples of electronic information service provided by web applications, google blog, and programming languages) that have been constructed in March 2015. (Author’s abstract)