الاحتياجات التدريبية لمعلمي العلوم الفلسفية في المدارس الثانوية في دولة الكويت


Philosophy teachers at secondary schools in Kuwait from the point of view of training needs, and to identify the effect of variables (gender, educational qualification, and experience) in the perceptions for philosophy Teachers in secondary schools in the State of the training needs Kuwait, In order to achieve the objectives of this study was to develop a questionnaire to make sure of validity and reliability, and distributed to 147 teachers in the State of Kuwait, and the study found that the training needs for philosophy Teachers at secondary schools in the State of Kuwait from the point of view high ,The results showed no statistically significant differences in the responses of the study sample for philosophy Teachers in secondary schools in the State of Kuwait, according to the variables of gender and qualification, and the results showed also statistically significant differences in the responses of the study sample for philosophy Teachers in secondary schools in the State of Kuwait, according to the variable experience. The study recommended a review of the setup and configuration of Teachers of philosophical sciences programs; through Akhaddallhm operations calendar and continuous development; in the light of developments; to meet the needs of the times, to meet its requirements, and encourage teachers to participate in the training program design and implementation by providing material and moral incentives. (Author’s abstract)