الاحتياجات التدريبية لمعلمي ومعلمات الرياضيات في المرحلة الأساسية العليا وفقاً لأدوارهم المستقبلية في ظل اقتصاد المعرفة


The study aimed to identify the teachers of math training needs in the upper main stage according to its future roles in the light of the knowledge economy, the study sample consisted of 200 teachers of teachers of mathematics basic upper stage in Zarqa for the academic year 2015/2016. The study used the descriptive approach, which is represented in the study design tool (questionnaire), which consisted of 58 items distributed on 5 areas, it has been confirmed validity and reliability of the tool. The study results showed: that the teachers of the estimates and teachers of mathematics in upper basic phase of training needs according to its future roles in the light of the knowledge economy came within a high-grade, and teachers of mathematics estimates in the upper basic phase of training needs according to its future roles in the light of the knowledge economy vary according to sex and in favor male, and vary according to their years of experience, and in favor of experienced estimates (from 5-10 years), and one holding a different scientific. In light of the findings of the study results, it recommends interesting elements of professional development and developed to fit in with the future needs of teachers, and attention to the training of teachers of mathematics during the service through a list on their professional needs and field of knowledge, and the need to follow-up the actual them training programs after they have had to participate in any session or a training program, to make sure that the degree of their implementation of what has been rehearsed it. (Author’s abstract)