درجة ممارسة مديري المدارس الثانوية للعدالة التنظيمية وعلاقتها بمستوى الثقة التنظيمية لدى المعلمين في محافظة الزرقاء


The study aimed at identifying the degree of organizational justice, and its relation to the level of organizational trust among teachers in the secondary schools in the Governorate of Zarqa in Jordan. The study population consisted of all teachers in secondary schools in the first Directorate of Education in Zarqa, from which a stratified and random sample, consisted of 401 teachers, was chosen. To achieve the aim of the study, two questionnaires were used after their validity and reliability had been proven: The first one was to identify the degree of organizational justice, and the second one was to measure the level of organizational trust. The main results were: The degree of the organizational justice in the secondary schools of the first Directorate of Education in Zarqa was moderate and the domains, arranged in a descending order, were as follows: interactive justice distributive justice and procedural justice, -There were no statistically significant differences in the degree of organizational justice due to experience, qualification and sex, the level of organizational trust in the secondary schools of the first Directorate of Education in Zarqa was medium, there were no statistically significant differences in the level of organizational trust due to experience, qualification and sex, there was a positive correlation between the degree of organizational justice, and the level of organizational trust. In light of the findings of the study results, the researcher made some recommendations to increase the degree of organizational justice and organizational trust such as: Guaranteeing the teachers’ interests, demands and rights, making teachers share in the decision-making process, and creating a school atmosphere based on trust, justice and respect. (Author’s abstract)